Types of Social Network Advertising and Marketing Communications

Types of Social Network Advertising and Marketing Communications

Display Advertising

Banner ads available in different networks, with different formats.

All kinds of goals and demographics options for targeting consumers.

Suggested Post and Sponsored Posts in a Newsfeed

They appear in our feed, similar to a friend’s post, but with the promoted
sign. Ads with copy and visual, available in a variety of sizes.

Video Ads (Autoplay)

The fastest growing form of online and social media advertising.

Autoplay on social media networks such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.

Brand page

Pages created by the brands to share their campaigns and content. The value of a “like” is questionable. On Facebook, less than 1% of fans actually receive or process the brand’s content and message.

Company blogs

Website with journal entries posted on a regular basis. Effective means of presenting relevant information in a positive manner.

YouTube Channels

YouTube is one of the main social networks today and the channels are an important part of a brand’s digital strategy. The users can easily subscribe to a user’s profile and be notified when they upload new videos.


Viral Marketing and Communications

Going viral involves a strategy that encourages the audience to pass on marketing messages to others.
You can’t really plan a viral campaign – it’s up to the audience.

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